
Product highlights
Cream fillings
Texture & bake stability
Industrial bakery cream filling is often produced by addition of water to a mix of texturizers and milk powders. Traditionally, modified potato starch is used for this application because of the special texture and creamy mouthfeel. The challenge for bakery cream is that next to texture and mouthfeel the products should also have good bake and freeze-thaw stability. For a good bake stability, other ingredients such as alginate are used with a potential negative effect on texture and mouthfeel after freezing and thawing.
Next to our golden standard Emjel® EP 820 C, Emsland Group has also developed an instant modified starch based on waxy potato starch, Emwaxy® JEL 300. This product stands out in viscosity and texture and has an improved bake stability. This offers the opportunity to reduce the amount of alginate that has a positive effect on the texture of the bakery cream, especially after freezing and thawing!
Fruit fillings
Taste & clarity
Modified starches are often used as binding and thickening agents in fruit fillings for bakery applications. The challenge for starches is that they should provide good binding that is not too sticky, a fresh taste and high clarity.
Due to the low amount of lipids and protein, potato starch has a neutral taste with minimal masking and high clarity. Therefore, modified potato starches Emjel® EP 1224 and Emflo® 991 are excellent ingredients for bakery fruit fillings.

Product highlights

Baked goods
Potato ingredients have found their way in many baked good applications. For example, Emjel® E 70 and Emjel® P can be used as dough improvers. Emfix® K02 can be used to replace egg yolk in cake and muffins.
A special bakery application is potato bread. Potato bread is essentially wheat bread with mashed potato or potato flakes worked in the dough. With Emflake® 2815 and clean label Empure® KF 1100 potato flakes of Emsland Group a perfect potato bread can be made.
Product highlights
Gluten-free bakery
As potato ingredients are gluten-free, they are popular ingredients for gluten-free bakery products. Emsland Group has developed gluten-free recipes for several bakery applications such as bread, short bread cookies and spongecake.
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This page only shows standard solutions for the applications. For more information about other products in our portfolio or about concepts and recipes, please contact us.
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