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“Using nature to create” is at the core of our value-creation model. For us, sustainability is not some empty phrase. Because we have been relying on the innovative power of nature since 1928. This harmony with our natural resources is present in all our ideas and in each of our products.


Despite an export ratio of over 75 percent, we nonetheless think and act in a down-to-earth manner.  We grow our potatoes as close as possible to our processing sites and do so in close cooperation with our home in the Grafschaft Bentheim region. Moreover, our peas are harvested exclusively in European countries. By doing so, we are able to conserve natural resources with our pea and potato products and substantially decrease emissions. Our motto: Think globally, act locally.


As a manufacturing company, our responsibility does not begin in the factory, but in the field. And it ends with innovative products that are developed and created on the basis of the sustainable management of the environment. In order to achieve this, we manage the soil in such a way that the health of the soil, as well as the conservation of resources, are at the forefront. In this way, we aim to continuously reduce the impact that we have on the environment.

The big issues facing our industry concern raw material security, soil health and climate-resistant crops. Therefore, we rely on collaborative efforts with research institutions and suppliers, so that we may share our knowledge and help shape sustainable agricultural practices that bring about the environmentally friendly production of our products.


Our team is dedicated to continuously working to develop products that are in line with newer sustainability trends, such as meat and dairy alternatives. We at the Emsland Group are helping to drive the global trend towards more environmentally friendly and sustainable options for the food industry through the production of plant-based alternatives to animal products.

By publishing this report, we aim to provide customers, suppliers and employees, as well as members of the public living near production sites and farmland, with a transparent insight into our efforts to promote sustainable practices throughout our value chain.

Pflanzenbasierte Innovationen aus der Kartoffel

Unser engagiertes Team arbeitet kontinuierlich an der Entwicklung von Produkten für wachsende nachhaltige Trends, wie z. B. Fleisch- und Molkereialternativen. Durch die Herstellung von pflanzlichen Alternativen zu tierischen Produkten trägt die Emsland Group dazu bei, den globalen Trend zu umweltfreundlicheren und nachhaltigeren Optionen für die Lebensmittelindustrie voranzutreiben.

Mit der Veröffentlichung dieses Berichts möchten wir Kunden, Lieferanten und Mitarbeiter sowie der Öffentlichkeit, die in der Nähe von Produktionsstätten und Anbauflächen lebt, einen transparenten Einblick in unsere Bemühungen um nachhaltige Praktiken in unserer gesamten Wertschöpfungskette geben.


Following the publication of the first sustainability report at the end of 2019, we have decided to demonstrate even greater transparency and shorten the reporting cycle to two years due to the lively interest of our stakeholders, so that we will publish our second report one year earlier than planned. We are also preparing for the future legal transparency requirements on sustainability with regular reporting.

In preparing this report, we followed the GRI Standards (application level “Core”).

The report is available in German and English both online and in print. Our sustainability report is due to be published in future at regular intervals.


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