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21. August 2023

Apprenticeship Day

The first “Apprenticeship Day” was a complete success! More than 35 interested students accepted our invitation and visited the Emsland Group in Emlichheim to learn more about the training opportunities.

After an official welcome by CEO Gerrit-Jan Wesselink and Human Resources Manager Jan Lambers-Heerspink, the participants were divided into five groups, in which they then went through various stations. They were able to get to know the apprenticed professions of industrial mechanic, electronics technician, chemical laboratory technician, chemical technician and warehouse logistics specialist in more detail and were also allowed to test their skills in various areas by performing practical tasks themselves. For example, they drove forklifts, carried out a chemical titration, measured the density of a starch slurry, made an extension cord or a key chain.

One or the other discovered new talents on the “Apprenticeship Day”, took away some things for their personal future planning and possibly even found their dream job.

We ended the day together with a delicious buffet and an exciting raffle. Finally, all those who were interested had the opportunity to take part in a tour of the company.

We hope that all students had an exciting time with us and that we will soon be able to enrich our team with new talents!